Silly, silly boy!
First time at the beach- Port Aransas
Texas State Aquarium- Corpus Chirsti
Eating burgers at Bob Hall Pier- the best burgers ever (well, behind the Chicken or Chicken Oil in College Station- they're still the best)
Sweet Boy!
1st band-aid-
that weekend he skinned both knees, an elbow and hit his forehead on the pool...and it begins
Evan and Michele visited for the day. We missed you Graham! The boys had a good time together. See you guys soon.
Grandma has taught Charlie so much- Thanks!
Science Place in Dallas- Thanks Nana (how does that sound, Mom?)
This morning Thomas got up with Charlie and he insisted on wearing his shoes with his PJs. Then I got up and he wanted to brush his teeth while talking on his calculator "phone." Time is flying but we are having so much fun.