As I wave from the garage as my boys drive off for the first day of school and second week of day care I realize how lucky I am to have my boys. I woke up with Charlie at 5:45, cleaned his stuffy little nose, fed him and took a quick doze. Dad woke us up, got school clothes on Charlie and we packed up the truck, I made sure that the blue lunch bag with Charlie's milk was in the back seat and Thomas' blue lunch bag was in the front seat (that could be awkward at some point during the day). With a big smile on my face I came inside and gathered Charlie's laundry (mostly burp cloths and little socks). While I was looking for stray burp cloths I found the bag (oh, yes, the bag) of paci's that we thought we lost a month ago, clearing Charlie of accusations of eating or hoarding his paci's. I then ate a bowl of cereal and sat down at the computer to share my happiness with you, all before 8:00 AM! I feel like a Mom....
I also have a new job title, Mrs. Winkler. I know I have been that for 4 wonderful years already but now I will have 130 10-12 grade kids calling me that. I am teaching the Health Science Technology class at the high school. It is the class that kids interested in the medical/health field get to learn all about it and visit the hospital/nursing homes/vet clinics/doctor's offices. I'm pretty excited. I have three more shifts at Presby-Dallas as a full time nurse then I will work a couple a month and more during the summer and holidays on my schedule. It's a pretty good deal, I'll keep you updated.
Thomas is still glad he is not coaching football and he doesn't miss 2-a-days in the 112 degree heat. He does enjoy watching it though and I can't believe the first Roo football game is this weekend. He is doing well keeping up with his wife (and her gallbladder/not the gallbladder pain) and his 3 month old son.
And Charlie (who you really want the updates on) is staying busy and talking up a storm. I call it talking instead of cooing or babbling because he is already having conversations with himself and whoever will listen. He does not like to lie down unless he is passed out, insisting on sitting up even in his car seat. If he can't see the action, he's letting us know he wants in on it. I watched him suck on one finger (his index finger) last night as he soothed himself back to sleep. He's a crazy kid and we love him sooooo much and I can't believe how much joy he has brought into our lives. Thanks Charlie!!!

Holding on to those toes

Yes, boots and a onesie make a great tummy-time outfit

Charlie is 3 months!

I swear they play in the sandbox all day at day care, he is always exhausted when he comes home. This was after his first day.